The sky is beautiful. The temperature is just right. It’s the perfect day for a photoshoot! I have never taken pictures at JR Alfred Greenway (until now), so I wanted to arrive early and scout out a good spot. Bad news….. It’s prom night and the greenway is packed! It’s still early though. I pulled up about 30 minutes before our scheduled time, so in my head, I’m thinking I’ll walk around and maybe by the time Madison and Trevor get here, it will be cleared out.
It’s about 15 minutes before our shoot time, and it’s still pretty busy with all the prom pictures happening, but I look out and see a perfect spot with the best lighting…. AND no one is even over there. The best part? There’s even a cute little bench with a tree about 20 yards away from the field we’re starting in. I quickly walk over (to claim the spot) and correct my camera settings.
By the time I have everything set, Madison and Trevor arrived. There were so cute. They warned me ahead of time that they “are awkward and don’t know what to do.” Psh, I got you! The more awkward the better! 😉 (And btw, maybe I shouldn’t say this, but I was nervous too. Taking pictures of one of your close friends definitely puts pressure on you to get things right. I was scared I was going to forget all my posing techniques and fail at this shoot.) But they made everything super easy. And trust me when I say we had a good time and didn’t stop laughing because they were being extra with all the model like posing! Just kidding. But really, my cheeks were hurting when I left that night from all the laughing.
To Madison and Trevor – thank you so much for letting me take your photos. I had a blast, and it was a very entertaining night. From the super slow-mo walking to sitting in the flower field, thank you for putting up with my antics. And even though yall had me laughing (when that’s supposed to be my job to do for yall), we were still able to get some cute “serious” shots too. Oh, and y’all are more natural than you think! 😉 I hope my photos of you two meet your expectations. <3

You’re the best! We love you lots!
These are so good. I know they will love them!