Food is made. Costumes are set. It’s time to go to the annual Christmas Family Game Night. As promised, here’s blog #2 of the Williams family. We’re traveling back to July 2021. But first….. December.
This time it actually was a cool winter night. The family was all set in our green outfits (the color assigned to our specific family). We walked outside to get in the car, and Storm and Christian were there waiting. In their green T-shirts that said “oh deer, I’m pregnant,” they announced their pregnancy for Mr. Weston Hal Williams. Of course, they didn’t know it was a boy just yet. 😉
A few months later (now into the summer months), I was given the opportunity to take her maternity photos. They wanted some simple photos without traveling into Jacksonville, so we waited for golden hour and stepped outside into my parent’s backyard. (The same location for their engagement photos, but we’ll talk more about that later 😉 )
Having practiced on Storm so many times before this, I knew all of the good spots in the yard. ***Quick time out to say thank you to Storm for being my model all those times after learning new skills and tricks with my camera. Maybe I’ll make a blog post about that too.***
Anyways, they did a stellar job. From Brutus, the doggo, running around to Mom trying to make one the dresses look flowy, we had a fun time goofing off and celebrating Storm and Christian’s first baby. I think Mom also shed a tear when we put the tiny outfit and shoes on the fence, or maybe that was Christian 😉 Justing Kidding.
Thank you again, Storm and Christian for allowing me to take your pictures. We always have a great time 🙂

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