It’s almost here. You’re one more school year away from graduation. Don’t rush through this last year as a child. Spend it with friends. Spend it with family. Take your time.
To the class of 2024 at Florida High, I may be a little biased, but you guys might be my favorite class. When I first started teaching at FSUS, most of my classes were full of sophomores. And now? Those sophomores (who made my first year ever teaching high school a fantastic one) are getting ready to graduate. You all have a special place in my heart. I can’t wait to see what you all do in your future.
I recently had the opportunity to hear from a number of elderly seniors while working at a basketball camp. I want to share with you the advice they gave the basketball players. Now, these men and women came from different backgrounds: veterans, retired teachers, retired flight attendants, from places like Chicago or born and raised in Tallahassee. But much of the advice given was geared towards finding Christ and becoming a Christian. Maybe you’re already a Christian, maybe you’re on the fence and you’ve heard a little bit about Christianity here and there, or maybe you have no desire to be part of any religion. Nonetheless, read the advice below from the elders and think about it throughout your senior year.
Take one day at a time – one choice at a time.
We have one God, one Father. Don’t stray from Him.
Prayer is one of the most important things in life. (This lady was in stage 4 cancer and recovered). She also advises to get a CAT scan about every year. 😉
Attitude is who you are: what you believe, what you think, everything about you. Make sure you’re aware of your attitude.
What’s important? God, family, and friends.
Love. Don’t let hate in your heart.
Never give up. Keep praying even if you don’t get an answer immediately. Be patient and persevere.
Learn and LEARN. And listen more than you talk.
Trust and follow God.
Always keep God as your focus. Keep your heart pure.
I hope all of the graduating seniors who read this (no matter where you are from) have a wonderful senior year. Do your best. Be your best. And grow.
Below are some pictures of Florida High’s cheerleading seniors. Check them out and message me if you’re interested in booking a senior session! (Does not have to be sport related.)

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