Why Photography?

The sun is beating down, but the the wind and water feel amazing. I hear the laughter from my sisters and the roaring motor of my dad’s Moomba ski boat. It’s a perfect lake day.

We are out on the water tubing, wakeboarding, wake surfer – all the fun water activities, and my sister takes out her Canon camera to take pictures of us. It was her turn to wakeboard and she asked if I could capture a few of her in action. Absolutely!

After that day, I fell in love with a new hobby. I realized how much fun it was to capture those joyous moments for other people. I knew I wanted to turn this hobby into something real. That same summer, I purchased my first camera, read some photography books, and took a few photography education courses.

I know most people reach out to photographers just for the service and never truly get to know the person behind the camera, so I figured, why not start out my very first blog with a little “about me” post.

So now that you know how I got into photography here are some additional “favorite things” that didn’t quite make it on the website list, but still worth mentioning.

Candy: Sour punch straws
Fast Food: Chickfila
Drink: Sweet Tea
Color: Seafoam Green
Snack: HoneyBuns
Sport’s Team: FSU (Go Noles!)
Some other funny random favs:
Yellow cake with chocolate icing
Chocolate frosted donuts from DD
Beach days/Lake days
Watching college football
Traveling to all 50 states (I’ll get there one day)
Chris Pratt 😉 lololol

Go check out my website for some additional favorites, and let me know if you agree or disagree with any 🙂 And enjoy the “not so professional”, real life pictures below lol

  1. Marilyn Armstrong says:

    This is awesome. I am one proud grandma! Go do your thing Bryce and capture moments to remember.

  2. Bobbie Wade says:

    I ask Bryce to photograph a co workers wedding when she first started her photography journey. She was so patient & polite. Her pics were amazing & I the bride was thrilled with her wedding pics. I plan on scheduling very soon with Bryce again to take pics of her lil cousin, my son very soon. C ya soon Bryce.

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